Curb the Crave: 5 Studies of CBD Oil Benefits for Sugar Craving Control
200 years ago, the average American consumed 2 pounds of sugar in one year. Is it surprising the average American in 2020 consumes 152 pounds of sugar in one year? If Hemp can help bring balance to your mind and body, can it help curb sugar cravings?
The studies below detail 5 ways Full Spectrum CBD Oil may bring your body a “reset”, helping you gain control:
Improved Sleep - Better Sleep Equals Better Habits. CBD supported better, deeper sleep in mice.
Less Stress - Anti-anxiety properties helps you manage stress, without sugar.
Mental Clarity - CBD has antidepressant-like effects, helping sugar lose it’s allure
Click here to learn what makes Greenlife CBD different.
A Doctor’s View of Sugar
“We don’t need sugar to live. No one does.” states Dr. Robert Lustig, a San Francisco-based Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology at the University of California and author of Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar.
Leading the charge in the war against sugar, Dr. Lustig enlightens us with 3 truths about sugar:
It has little to no nutritional value
It’s the most popular ingredient added to American foods
Processed foods contain the highest levels:
Peanut Butter
Cured Meats
Salad Dressings
Read Thy Labels
Take note of sugar’s sneaky names:
Brown Sugar
Corn Sweetener
Sorghum Syrup
Fruit Juice Concentrate
High-fructose Corn Syrup
Corn Syrup
*List sourced from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Where Does Added Sugar Come From?
Sources of Added Sugar
United States Department of Health and Human Services
11 Side Effects of Sugar
Healthline identifies 11 health risks of sugar:
Increases Weight Gain
Puts You At Risk of Heart Disease
Can Cause Acne via Inflammation
Linked to Type 2 Diabetes
Leads to Insulin Resistance
Increases Risk Factors for Cancer
Raises Anxiety and Depression
Accelerates Skin and Cellular Aging
Causes Spikes in Blood Sugar, Drains Energy
Can Lead to Excessive Fat Buildups in Liver
Increases Bacteria in Your Mouth
“Fat-Free“ Does Not Mean “Sugar-Free“
Have you seen your local grocery store stock “Fat-Free” Cookies, Ice Cream, etc.? These can sound convincing to the untrained eye, but did you know many of these snacks add sugar to make-up for lost flavor from fat? The U.S. Department for Health and Human Services states, “Fat-free” on the package does NOT mean “calorie or sugar-free.”
Putting Sugar into Perspective
Consider the following:
One teaspoon of white sugar contains 15 calories.
One teaspoon of corn syrup contains 20 calories.
Soft Drunks are highest source of added-sugar in the American diet (33% to be exact)
One can of soda contains about 11 teaspoons of sugar, that’s 165 calories!
For you to burn off 1 can of 12 oz. soda (165 calories), you will need 35 minutes of walking at brisk pace (3-4 mph)
The Case for Hemp Oil
Hemp has been used from ancient to modern cultures for the natural relief it can bring to support health and wellness. Despite being commonly misunderstood, Hemp cannot make you high. By awakening CB1 and CB2 Cannabinoid Receptors found throughout your body, Hemp can bring balance to your mind and body; helping “reset” unhealthy cravings.
Study #1: Better Sleep Equals Better Habits
This important study from the United Kingdom in 2018 showed participant’s “sugar intake was reduced by as much as 10 grams the next day compared with the amount of sugar they consumed at the beginning of the study when they increased the amount of sleep they got each night.”
Key Takeaways:
More than “one-third of U.S. adults get 6 hours or less of sleep each night, 7-9 hours is recommended.”
Participants extended their sleep time up to 1.5 hours per night
The results suggest “increasing time in bed for an hour or so longer may lead to healthier food choices.”
So, what does CBD have to do with sleep?
A 2019 study conducted by Dr. Scott Shannon, MD examined how CBD treatment affected anxiety and sleep in 72 adults.
It found:
Of the 72 participants, 47 reported primary concerns of anxiety and 25 reporting poor sleep.
Anxiety scores decreased by 79.2% within the first month and remained decreased.
Sleep scores improved by 66.7% within the first month but fluctuated over time.
CBD was “well-tolerated in all but 3 patients.”
The conclusion - “Cannabidiol (CBD) may hold benefit for anxiety-related disorders. Controlled clinical studies are needed.”
Study #2: Control Over Drug Seeking Behaviors
Using an experimental rat model, this study examined the effects of CBD on heroine self-administration and drug-seeking behaviors.
It found:
Heroin seeking behavior was normalized by CBD treatment
CBD may be a potential treatment for Heroin craving and relapse.”
Another study, this time with humans, shows a marked reduction in the consumption of tobacco by 40% among cigarette smokers during treatment. The conclusion suggests “CBD to be a potential treatment for nicotine addiction that warrants further exploration." Admittedly, the effect of sugar on the body cannot be compared to that of tobacco or heroin, but there is a documented potential for sugar dependence.
It is also notable that using CBD to moderate addictive behavior in general is of particular interest to researchers. CBD on its own has no known abuse potential and is seen as non-addictive, so you can rest easy knowing you're not trading one habit for another.
Study #3: Less Stress
CBD has an anxiolytic-like effect, that means anti-anxiety for us laypeople. When it comes to dealing with panicky feelings, there is clear evidence that CBD has a positive effect on panic disorders in both humans and animals. Researchers are unclear about the exact mechanism within the body and state that further studies are needed to determine proper dosages.
On a similar topic, this study shows that CBD can help with general social anxiety disorder. Both trials are promising for the diagnosed sufferers of these disorders and could be interesting to those of us with intermittent anxiety. CBD can also reduce stress caused by public speaking, one of the most common fears.
Study #4: Mental Clarity
Studies show depression can get the better of our best dietary intentions. CBD may act as an anti-depressant. If you feel better in general, sugar may lose a bit of its allure. It is important to note that this study was done on mice and further research is needed, but it is promising nevertheless.
Study #5: Potential for Diabetes Relief
By activating CB1 and CB2 Receptors found in the human and canine Endocannabinoid System (ECS), CBD supports balanced Dopamine levels.
In addition to the 100 Neurotransmitters found in the human brain such as Dopamine and Serotonin, researchers have recently discovered Cannabinoid Receptors in the Pancreas. Since this discovery, they have been trying to develop synthetic cannabinoids to aid in weight loss. While the particular Cannabinoid in this study was synthetic, and also ultimately failed, the authors stated “natural cannabinoids, such as CBD and THCV, have tremendous therapeutic potential and we hope that some of these new approaches will be useful in clinical practice in the near future to aid patients with diabetes.”
Take Action
Has little to no nutritious value. Don’t fall into the trap of “sugar-free,” use this post to enlighten your grocery routine.
Is addictive and potentially damaging to our health and wellness if allowed to eaten in excess over long periods.
Brings balance to your mind and body, helping your body “reset” through:
Better Sleep
Control over binge eating
Less Stress
Mental Clarity
Balanced Dopamine Levels
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Thank you taking the time to read this article.
To your health and wellness,
Greenlife Organics