Hemp: The Plant That Cleans Soil. You’ll Love Learning How It Works…
Did you know Hemp Plants were shown to be effective in “cleaning the soil around the site of Russia’s Cheynobyl Nuclear Disaster?” How does it work?
The answer- Hemp plants naturally have a high biomass that allows it to absorb contaminants in any kind of soil without the use of pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers. Hemp’s high biomass means it can absorb not only more pollutants, but also a larger variety of pollutants than most plants through an ecological process called Bioremediation; a science-word implying Hemp can purify soil without chemicals or machinery.
How hemp plants help clean the soil
Hemp and Soil Health
Cars, industrial waste, and chemical fertilizers can cause a buildup of a toxic metal called Cadmium (Cd) in soil. This metal often finds its way into agricultural lands via the water used to grow our food supply. Hemp has a high tolerance to Cadmium stress, making it a great candidate to absorb impurities in these contaminated sites.
Cadium, Nickel and Lead
Hemp can absorb many different heavy metals including Nickel (Ni) and Lead (Pb), cleaning all types of toxin buildups. Scientists have tested Hemp’s ability to remove radioactive chemicals from soil around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Ukraine, and have been successful! This has led to many hoping to use Hemp to remove Plutonium from the soil around the former US nuclear weapons factory in Rocky Flats, Colorado and also the Fukushima Nucleur Disaster in Japan. Hemp's ability to absorb such a wide variety of contaminants make Hemp an ideal way to detoxify soil in most situations!
The Danger of Human Pollution
Human activity around the world is causing toxic chemicals to pollute surrounding soils, causing soil pollution and major problems for agricultural lands.
These environments can become hazardous for humans and animals, causing problems for decades to come. Different methods of cleaning these polluted sites are being discussed, and more research is showing Hemp as a safe and effective method of cleaning these contaminated soils.
Soil Pollution is a “Growing“ Problem
Humans cause excess pollution. This is not a new concept, but it is actually worse than most of us think:
All of our trash and waste, from us and the things we use, has to go somewhere.
Exhaust from your car, runoff from factories, and even household waste, are causing pollutants to enter soil and create hazardous environments for humans and animals.
The land where we can safely grow food is shrinking from soil pollution and urbanization, and it is becoming a growing problem worldwide.
Large plots of land, especially old mining land, sit there useless, and even dangerous, when that land could be used for housing or growing much needed food.
Hemp and Land Remediation
It’s pretty obvious why it’s important that we come up with fast and effective ways to clean these contaminated lands and make them safe for agricultural uses. The EPA lists Bioremediation as an “effective solution, basically using living plants to remove and contain contaminants (Environmental Management Support, Inc).”
In order for this to work, you must have plants that are able to grow in highly contaminated areas, absorb the toxic materials through their roots, and store those materials in the above ground portions of the plant. These types of plants are called Hyperaccumulators, and there are currently more than 400 plant species that fall in to this category. With so many options to choose from, Hemp is rising to the top as an ideal option to detoxify soil thanks to it’s natural root system,
Hemp Roots: The Key to Soil Detoxification
Hemp roots reach from 1.5 to 3 ft in length, so Hemp is a relatively tall plant with long roots. Those roots can reach more than just the top layer of soil, removing a more widespread contamination from the lower layers of soil. This can be a relatively quick process as well, since Hemp plants can reach full maturation in as little as 180 days. The quick growing season means that cleaning the soil is not an overly long and drawn out process.
Hemp from Contaminated Sites Can Still Be Useful
Once the Hemp has fully grown and absorbed toxins from the ground, the plants do not have to be just tossed out like trash! The heavy metals and contaminants absorbed by the Hemp plants have been found to be stored in the leaves of the plant, meaning the floral buds, where the purest CBD comes from, are still usable to make Hemp Biofuels.
How to Know Your Hemp Oil is Non-Toxic
If you are fearful of your Hemp Oil is made from toxic Hemp, just make sure the products you are purchasing are made from organically grown Hemp; like the Hemp Oil we craft from the finest organic Hemp Plants grown on our San Diego Farm.
From a customer's perspective, make sure proper labeling and supporting COA analysis indicate the oil you are purchasing are free of metals, herbicides, pesticides or other product ingredients harmful for human application.
Hemp plants grown in toxic environments can still be used in other industrial ways such as for Biodiesel fuels, or using the fiber to make over 25,000 different products. Hemp fiber has traditionally been used to make construction materials, paper, and clothing, just to name a few.
The ability to use Hemp plants after they are mature and have absorbed toxins means that there is not only a financial benefit to having clean soil, but also a financial benefit to growing hemp specifically.
Is it Legal to Grow Hemp?
The 2018 Farm Bill legalized Hemp, but with some heavy regulations. One of the more important regulations is that the hemp must contain less than 0.3 percent THC. This type of Hemp won’t get you high, differentiating it from marijuana, and is often referred to as Industrial Hemp. Whether you can grow Industrial Hemp at home may take a bit more research into your state’s Hemp laws.
In some states, mostly those that have legalized recreational marijuana, you probably won’t have any issues growing Industrial Hemp at home. In other states, however, you will need to apply for a license and disclose your purpose of growing. Make sure to check the laws in your own state before making a decision.
Key Notes from the Article
are causing a pollution problem that will become a much bigger issue in the next few decades.
naturally contains a high biomass, allowing it to absorb a wide variety of heavy metals from soil including Cadium, Lead and Nickel
has been shown to clean those large plots of contaminated land, including sites around Nuclear Disasters!
also effective to clean soil in small scale farms and personal gardens
can be a simple, effective solution with a great financial incentive
Thank you for taking the time to read this article, please contact us with any questions!
To your health,
Greenlife Organics